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Internal Medicine: Inpatient Maintenance of Certification Assessment FAQs

ABIM launched an inpatient version of the Internal Medicine MOC assessment for the Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment (LKA®) and traditional, 10-year MOC assessment in 2024. 

If you are currently in the general Internal Medicine LKA you can switch to the inpatient version until 6/30/24 by signing into your Physician Portal. Please note this year is the only year switching will be available. Once the deadline has passed you will not be able to switch again until the conclusion of your 5-year LKA cycle.

Internal Medicine: Inpatient FAQs

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What is the inpatient version of the Internal Medicine LKA?

It is a new Internal Medicine LKA designed for those who work in an inpatient setting. It will launch in January 2024. Learn more about the LKA on our dedicated LKA website.

Who can participate in this new LKA option?

The inpatient version of the LKA will be available to anyone certified in internal medicine who is due for an MOC assessment. It may be a good option for those seeking to affirm their inpatient care knowledge. It can also be used as a pathway to reinstate a lapsed internal medicine certificate.

My Internal Medicine MOC assessment is due in 2023. How can I participate in the inpatient version of the Internal Medicine LKA?

If you enrolled in the Internal Medicine LKA in 2023 and met the LKA participation requirement you can switch to the inpatient focused version of the Internal Medicine LKA during the 2024 LKA enrollment period.

After you transition to the inpatient focused version of the Internal Medicine LKA, you will begin a new five-year LKA cycle and will still be reported as Certified as long as you are actively participating in the Internal Medicine LKA, and meeting any other MOC requirements.

What if the inpatient focused version of the Internal Medicine LKA is not working for me? Can I switch back to the Internal Medicine LKA?

If you choose to switch from the Internal Medicine LKA to the inpatient focused version of the Internal Medicine LKA, you must complete your 5-year cycle (from the time you originally began the inpatient version of LKA participation) before being able to switch back.

Alternatively, you can take the traditional, 10- year Internal Medicine MOC exam.

If I take the traditional, 10-year exam and pass, can I enroll in the inpatient when it becomes available in 2024?

No, if you take and pass either traditional, 10-year MOC exam your next assessment will be due 10 years from then. You will not be able to participate in an LKA until that time.