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As certain disciplines grow increasingly specialized, ABIM regularly surveys physicians to ensure its knowledge assessments align with their practice.

As a result of this research, ABIM, in close coordination with the hematology community, has developed two new Maintenance of Certification (MOC) assessments for hematologists using the Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment (LKA®) format. These new focused assessments, Hematology LKA: Malignant and Hematology LKA: Classical (nonmalignant) will be available beginning 1/1/2026. They will focus more heavily on hematologic malignancies and classical hematology, respectively. The general Hematology LKA and the traditional, 10-year MOC Exam in Hematology will remain available options. Learn more about the background and rationale behind developing the new focused assessments on the ABIM Blog.

Hematology FAQs

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What is the difference between the general Hematology LKA and the new focused assessments?

The new focused versions of the hematology assessments will be based upon the general Hematology Blueprint, but will feature a larger proportion of questions covering topics related to malignant and classical hematology, respectively. The goal is to align the assessments more closely with what hematologists see in practice daily. You can review the new blueprints here.

If I choose one of the focused assessments, will my certification still be in hematology?

Yes, certification will continue to be designated as “Hematology” regardless of which version of the Hematology LKA chosen.

How can I determine which assessment is right for me?

You can review the blueprints of each assessment, which provides details about the topics that are covered on the assessment and the percentage of questions on each topic. You can review the blueprints here.

Who is eligible to take the focused assessments?

Hematology LKA: Malignant and Hematology LKA: Classical (nonmalignant) will be available to any diplomate maintaining certification in hematology. It can also be a pathway to meet an overdue assessment requirement for a lapsed hematology certificate. Certification will continue to be designated as “Hematology” regardless of which version of the LKA is chosen.

  • If you are certified in Hematology and due for an assessment in 2026, you can enroll in the Hematology LKA: Malignant or Classical (nonmalignant).

  • If you’ve already enrolled in the general Hematology LKA you can switch to the Malignant or Classical (nonmalignant) LKA in 2026 any time before the close of enrollment (June 30, 2026). Note that this option for physicians to switch before the end of their current 5-year cycle is only available in the first year the new focused assessments are offered.
  • If you switch after the start of a quarter you must complete that quarter before the change will take effect.
  • If your certification has lapsed you can use the Malignant or Classical (nonmalignant) LKA as a re-entry pathway to meet an overdue assessment requirement for re-certification.

I am currently enrolled in the Hematology LKA, can I switch to one of the focused assessments?

Yes. If you are enrolled and participating in the Hematology LKA, you can switch to the Malignant or Classical LKA when enrollment opens in 12/1/2025.

Please note that switching mid-cycle is only an option in the first year that the new focused assessments are available (registration will open 12/1/2025 and will close on 6/30/2026).

You can switch enrollment through your ABIM Physician Portal.  

I am due for an assessment in 2025. Can I participate in the new focused assessments?

Yes. Enroll in the Hematology LKA on 12/1/2024 through 6/30/2025.

Beginning 12/1/2025, you’ll be able to switch to the Malignant or Classical (nonmalignant) LKA to complete the remainder of your five-year cycle. You will begin receiving specialized content in the quarter following the one in which you made the switch.

The last day to switch to a Malignant or Classical (nonmalignant) Hematology LKA will be 6/30/2026. Please note that switching mid-cycle is only available in the first year the new assessments are offered (2026). We will send email reminders when you can enroll or switch into the new focused assessments.

If you take and pass the traditional, 10-year MOC exam in 2025, your next assessment will be due in 10 years (2035) and you will not be eligible to take the LKA until then.

I am due for an assessment in 2026. Can I participate in the new focused assessments?

Yes. Beginning 12/1/2025, you can to choose the Malignant or Classical (nonmalignant) Hematology LKA. After 6/30/2026 enrollment closes and you will no longer be able to participate in an LKA.

If you take and pass the traditional, 10-year MOC exam in 2026, your next assessment will be due in 10 years (2036) and you will not be eligible to take the LKA until then.

We will send email reminders when enrollment opens.

If I don’t like the focused assessment I choose, can I switch to the other focused assessment or the general hematology LKA?

You may switch between any of the available versions (including the general hematology LKA) once you complete your five-year cycle.

Alternately, you can voluntarily unenroll from the LKA and register to take the Hematology Traditional, 10-Year MOC Exam, which follows the general Hematology Blueprint, when registration is open. If you take and pass the exam, you will remain reported as Certified for 10 years as long as you meet all other requirements and will not be eligible to re-enroll in the LKA during that time.

Will there be a similar focused assessment for the traditional, 10-year MOC Exam?

No, these new focused assessments will only be available in the LKA format.