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Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam

Cardiovascular Disease Certification Scoring and Results


The examination pass-fail decision is based on your performance on the entire examination. Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; therefore, you should answer every question. The minimum passing score reflects an absolute standard that is independent of the performance of any group of candidates. The standard for each assessment is set by the designated ABIM Specialty Board or Advisory Committee.

ABIM is aware that, on occasion, for a small number of questions, changes in medicine (such as the publication of new practice guidelines for hypertension) occur late in the examination publishing process and may alter what was previously the correct answer. Do your best to answer all questions according to your understanding of current clinical principles and practice. If ABIM determines that what was designed to be the correct answer has been changed by new information, this question will not be counted in the overall score.


After the exam is given, it will be analyzed and evaluated to ensure the reliability of individual results.

Your results will be released within three months of the last date of the exam in that area. When your results are released, you will receive an e-mail notification with instructions on how to access your Score Report in PDF format in the My Assessments section of your ABIM Physician Portal. All score reports are provided electronically within your Physician Portal, not via postal mail.

To find a score report:

  • Sign in to your ABIM Physician Portal.
  • From the Menu at the top select "My Exams."
  • Click on the blue arrow next to the name of the exam/assessment.
  • Select "View Score Report."

Questions regarding exam results should be submitted in writing within six months of the date results were released.

Those who pass the examination are designated as certified diplomates of ABIM. They will receive certificates, which will remain valid as long as they continue to participate in MOC in accordance with the MOC program requirements. The certificates are mailed from ABIM within three to four months after candidates are notified of their results. Note: your current board certification status, as well as whether you are participating in MOC is reported in your Physician Portal.


ABIM's scoring process is meticulous and includes a rigorous set of quality control steps to verify the accuracy of results for every examinee. Additional information on how exams are scored may be found at How Exams Are Developed.

It is very unlikely that an error occurred in retrieving your answers from the computer or scoring your exam.

However, you may request a rescore for a fee of $250.

If you would like to have your examination rescored, please put your request in writing. All requests must be received within six months of the results' release date. Include your name, ABIM ID, the examination to be rescored, and a check for $250.00 payable to the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Send to:
Rescore Request
American Board of Internal Medicine
510 Walnut Street, Suite 1700
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3699

Results of the rescore will be mailed to you within eight weeks of receiving your request.

Pass Rates

Click here to see the First-Time Taker Pass Rates for Initial Certification (pdf).