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Breadcrumb trail:

Advanced Care Transformation Program (ACT) - Medical Group Clinical Quality Pathway

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The MaGiCQ Core quality measures are defined as the percentage of Bon Secours Mercy Health BSMH patients meeting the measure compared to the total population of attributed patients. Attestation to this activity is defined as 1. the ABIM diplomate is practicing in an Advanced Care Transformation ACT participating practice 2. is actively engaged in the ACT Quality Pathway, striving to meet 4 of 6 core MaGiCQ measures as defined by the program year for their respective attributed patient population

To participate in this activity:

Activity Title: Advanced Care Transformation Program (ACT) - Medical Group Clinical Quality Pathway
Contact: Jenifer Herbert-Nye
Contact Email: JHerbert-Nye@mercy.com
Activity URL: N/A

If you already completed this activity:

Check to see if the sponsor of this activity has reported completion information to ABIM by signing in to your Physician Portal and going to My Activities.


Activity Detail Labels Activity Detail Data
MOC points: 20
Earns Patient Safety Credit: False
Fee: False
Registration:* Limited
  • Internal Medicine

* Registration is “limited” for activities that are designed primarily for the sponsor organization's faculty, staff, membership, or another specific audience. For information about whether you may participate in an activity with limited registration, please contact the activity sponsor directly.