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Reports for Internal Medicine Program Directors

ABIM has updated the information it provides to internal medicine residency program directors related to the performance of their trainees on the Internal Medicine Certification Examination. Program directors provided valuable input through interviews at Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine meetings, surveys and webinars.

Our goal is to provide program directors with more meaningful and useful information that aligns with the feedback that is provided to trainees.

Exam Results

What is in this report?

The Exam Results report lists the individual program's reportable candidates that took the exam in the current year and their exam result (pass vs. fail).

A candidate is considered “reportable” if they:

  • Took the exam for the first time
  • Completed training in the current year or the year prior
  • Received their final evaluation of clinical competence from the individual program via FasTrack

Why is this report separate from the Program Director Report?

Based on a request from program directors to receive feedback from ABIM about how their trainees fared on ABIM Certification exams in a more timely fashion, ABIM now provides this information sooner, releasing candidates' exam results as close as possible to the release of individual scores.

Important Note

Internal Medicine Exam Results are available via FasTrack in the fall. The more comprehensive Program Director Reports are available in late winter.

Program Director Report

What is in this report?

The Program Director Report provides an individual program's aggregate data on how trainees performed on the ABIM Internal Medicine Certification Examination. Each section of the report is described below.

The report has been enhanced to include the charts and data requested by program directors. ABIM provides this report later because it takes longer to produce due to the time needed to ensure all the aggregation and statistics are correct.

Important Note

Internal Medicine Program Director Reports are available via FasTrack in late winter.

  1. Overall Performance

    This section provides information about an individual program's residents' overall scores on the Internal Medicine Certification Examination in reference to how residents from all other programs performed. This section is provided for all programs.

  2. Three-Year Rolling Pass Rates

    This section displays the three-year rolling pass rates for the individual program as well as all programs.

    Consistent with best practices in interpretation of small data sets, a three-year pass rate is only computed for your program if your program had at least 10 reportable residents over the three-year period.

  3. Program Performance by Medical Content Areas

    This section describes an individual program's residents' performance compared to the performance of residents from all other programs by medical content areas. This plot is only provided for programs with at least four reportable residents.

  4. Exam Results

    This section is an updated version of the original exam results list that an individual program receives in the fall. It provides certification status and overall score on the exam for the program's reportable residents.

    In addition, this report indicates whether a resident has authorized the release of their score report. If an individual chose to withhold their score report, their overall score will not be provided. This section is provided for all programs.

  5. Residents' Individual Score Reports

    This section provides an individual program's reportable residents' score reports. A score report is only provided if your trainee gave ABIM permission to release their scores.

What's not included in this report?

Subspecialty Program Director Reports will be provided only to subspecialty program directors and coordinators. Internal medicine program directors and coordinators who wish to see these reports should speak directly to the subspecialty program directors.

Questions or concerns about Exam Results or Program Director Reports? Please call 1-800-441-ABIM (2246).