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Breadcrumb trail:

Quality Improvement: Reducing missed opportunities for tobacco counseling and cessation services within the cancer prevention

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The activity will improve the delivery of timely and high-quality patient care by implementing best practices to increase the delivery of tobacco counseling and cessation services to patients seen within MD Anderson’s Cancer Prevention Center. The participant will be engaged with reviewing tobacco assessment, screening and counseling measures and implementing change ideas within the center.

To participate in this activity:

Activity Title: Quality Improvement: Reducing missed opportunities for tobacco counseling and cessation services within the cancer prevention
Contact: Priya Thomas
Contact Email: psthomas@mdanderson.org
Activity URL: N/A

If you already completed this activity:

Check to see if the sponsor of this activity has reported completion information to ABIM by signing in to your Physician Portal and going to My Activities.


Activity Detail Labels Activity Detail Data
MOC points: 20
Earns Patient Safety Credit: False
Fee: False
Registration:* Limited
  • Internal Medicine

* Registration is “limited” for activities that are designed primarily for the sponsor organization's faculty, staff, membership, or another specific audience. For information about whether you may participate in an activity with limited registration, please contact the activity sponsor directly.