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Maintaining Your Certification

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How to Maintain Your Certification

The American Board of Internal Medicine's MOC program requires that you:

Check your Physician Portal for requirement due dates.

Important Tip

  • Earning a subspecialty certification earns you 100 MOC points, enough to satisfy your 5-year requirement. The MOC points you earn count toward all your certifications.

Fellowship Credit

ABIM recognizes fellowship training as an important part of lifelong learning and continuous professional development.

For each year that a physician successfully completes accredited* fellowship training in an ABIM subspecialty, they earn 20 MOC points. Annual MOC fees are waived for any year during which a physician is in accredited fellowship training in an ABIM subspecialty.

Unaccredited training or training in a non-ABIM subspecialty does not qualify. Please contact your program director to verify if your training is accredited.

How the fellowship fee waiver works:

*Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), or training completed in Canada that has been accredited by either the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Collège des médecins du Québec.