The journal articles in this section were authored or co-authored by ABIM staff and leadership. Since 2000, ABIM staff and leadership have published more than 300 articles.
Holmboe ES, Bradley ES, Mattera JA, Roumanis SA, Radford MJ, Krumholz HM.
Characteristics of physician leaders working to improve the quality of care in acute myocardial infarction.
Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety. 2003; 29: 289-296. -
Holmboe ES, Huot S, Chung J, Norcini JJ, Hawkins RE.
Construct validity of the miniclinical evaluation exercise (MiniCEX).
Academic Medicine. 2003; 78(8): 826-830. -
Norcini JJ, Blank LL, Duffy FD, Fortna GS.
The Mini-CEX: A method for assessing clinical skills.
Annals of Internal Medicine. 2003; 138(6): 476. -
Gessaroli ME, Folske JC.
Generalizing the reliability of tests comprised of testlets.
International Journal of Testing. 2002; 2(3/4): 277. -
Norcini JJ.
The death of the long case?
British Medical Journal. 2002; 324: 408-409. -
Lipner RS, Blank LL, Leas BF, Fortna GS.
The value of patient and peer ratings in recertification.
Academic Medicine. 2002; 77(10 Suppl): S64-66. -
Norcini JJ, Guille RA.
Combining tests and setting standards. In van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (Ed.).
International Handbook of Research in Medical Education. 2002; Boston: Kluwer. 811. -
Norcini JJ, Lipner RS, Kimball HR.
Certifying examination performance and patient outcomes following acute myocardial infarction.
Medical Education. 2002; 36: 853-859. -
Shea JA, Fortna GS.
Psychometric methods. In GR Norman, C.P.M. van der Vleuten, and DI Newble (Eds.).
International Handbook of Research in Medical Education. 2002; 97-126. -
Norcini JJ, Lipner RS, Kimball HR.
The certification status of generalist physicians and the mortality of their patients after acute myocardial infarction.
Academic Medicine. 2001; 76(10): S21-S23.