The journal articles in this section were authored or co-authored by ABIM staff and leadership. Since 2000, ABIM staff and leadership have published more than 300 articles.
Durning SJ, Costanzo M, Artino AR Jr, Dyrbye LN, Beckman TJ, Schuwirth L, Holmboe E, Roy MJ, Wittich CM, Lipner RS, van der Vleuten C.
Functional neuroimaging correlates of burnout among internal medicine residents and faculty members.
Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2013; 4: 131. -
Durning SJ, Holmboe E, Lipner R.
Aging physicians: Some lessons from the literature outside of medicine and potential implications for practice.
Maryland Medicine Journal. 2013; 14(3): 11-12,16. -
Durning SJ, Ratcliffe T, Artino AR Jr, Vleuten C van der, Beckman TJ, Holmboe E, Lipner RS, Schuwirth L.
How is clinical reasoning developed, maintained, and objectively assessed? Views from expert internists and internal medicine interns.
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2013; 33(4): 215-223. -
Gray BM, Reschovsky J, Holmboe ES, Lipner RS.
Do early career indicators of clinical skill predict subsequent career outcomes and practice characteristics for general internists?
Health Services Research. 2013; 48(3): 1096-1115. -
Hauer KE, Kohlwes J, Cornett P, Hollander H, ten Cate O, Ranji SR, Soni K, Iobst W, O’Sullivan P.
Identifying entrustable professional activities in internal medicine training.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2013; 5(1): 54-59. -
Hawkins RE, Lipner RS, Ham HP, Wagner R, Holmboe ES.
American Board of Medical Specialties maintenance of certification: Theory and evidence regarding the current framework.
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2013; 33(S1): S7-S19. -
Henry SG, Holmboe ES, Frankel RM.
Evidence-based competencies for improving communication skills in graduate medical education: A review with suggestions for implementation.
Medical Teacher. 2013; 35(5): 395-403. -
Hess BJ, Johnston MM, Iobst WF, Lipner RS.
Practice-based learning can improve osteoporosis care.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2013; 61(10): 1651-1660. -
Hess BJ, Johnston MM, Lipner RS.
The impact of item format and examinee characteristics on response times.
International Journal of Testing. 2013; 13(4): 295-313. -
Hess BJ, Johnston MM, Lynn LA, Conforti LN, Holmboe ES.
Development of an instrument to evaluate residents' confidence in quality improvement.
Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2013; 39(11): 502-510.