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Performance of physicians trained through the research pathway in internal medicine.


Lipner RS, Jacobs C, Holmboe ES. — American Board of Internal Medicine

Presented: American Educational Research Association Meeting, May 2010

Abstract: The vital role that physicians play in clinical research has been recognized by the internal medicine community through an integrated residency training pathway that shortens the clinical training time for those pursuing careers in clinical research. More recently, a competency-based education and evaluation model has been proposed to make training more flexible for residents pursuing career paths other than clinical research. Educators are concerned that one less year of clinically based training could negatively affect a physician’s clinical judgment when providing patient care. Using performance data from the internal medicine certification examination, we demonstrated that being trained through a research pathway does not negatively impact overall competence in clinical judgment as measured by certification status.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.