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Improving the quality of direct observation – new insights.


Holmboe ES. — American Board of Internal Medicine

Kogan JR. — University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Presented: 14th Ottawa Conference, May 2010

Background: Assessment of trainees' clinical skills via direct observation by faculty is vitally important for trainee development and promotion decisions; however, the quality of faculty assessment remains suboptimal. More effective approaches to faculty development in direct observation are urgently needed, and this past year, a multifaceted study investigating the role of faculty’s own competence, emotion and experiences has uncovered key factors that should be built into future faculty development. This workshop will utilize this new research to help workshop participants develop new approaches to faculty development in direct observation, and assessment of and feedback about clinical skills.

Intended Outcomes: 1. Recognize key factors among faculty that affect the quality of their direct observation; 2. Discuss and explore new models of faculty development based on recent research findings; 3. Improved participant skills in observation and evaluation of clinical skills.

Structure: Interactive workshop with use of videotapes, small group exercises, group discussion and brief presentations, including lessons learned from the study and guidance on how to implement faculty development in direct observation at the home institution.

Intended Audience: Educators involved in the observation and evaluation of clinical skills of undergraduate and graduate medical trainees.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.