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Navigating the chasm - Co-creation of feedback between learners and their supervisors.


Silver I. — University of Toronto

Armson HA. — University of Calgary

Driessen E, Konings K. — Maastricht University

Ross KM. — American Board of Internal Medicine

Mann K. — Dalhousie University

Presented: International Association for Medical Education Annual Meeting, September 2015

Background: “Giving and receiving effective feedback” workshops most often emphasize how faculty should provide feedback to learners. Less well addressed is how learners can provide feedback to their supervisors.

Power dynamic differences between faculty and residents make residents reluctant to give constructive feedback to their supervisors, for fear that critical feedback will have negative repercussions. In response, resident feedback may be withheld from their supervisors until long after the resident leaves the setting. Lack of bilateral feedback limits faculty’s ability to improve.

Workshop objectives are:

  • To explore a 'co-creation' approach to feedback that would mitigate perceived risks and provide a safe environment for feedback exchange.
  • To identify and practice this approach within an existing feedback model.

Intended Outcomes:Participants will:

  • Identify co-creation approaches for providing bilateral feedback, specifically focused on increased of resident safety, and benefits to both resident and supervisor.
  • Consider the potential applications of these approaches in their own environments.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.